InLogseq LadybyTansy BradshawLogseq Lady #3: OutliningI want to tell you a secret — I never used to like outlining as a method of note taking. To be fair — I had never learnt note taking…Sep 3, 2022Sep 3, 2022
InLogseq LadybyTansy BradshawLogseq Lady #2: The Daily NoteWhen it comes to an app such as Logseq or Roam, that have the daily note function — the same question can always be asked: How do I want…Aug 17, 2022Aug 17, 2022
InLogseq LadybyTansy BradshawLogseq Lady #1: What Is LogseqFrom the Logseq website: Logseq is a privacy-first, open-source knowledge base that works on top of local plain-text Markdown and Org-mode…Aug 14, 2022Aug 14, 2022
Tansy BradshawI’ve Moved To LogseqWay back in the day when I was first looking into Personal Knowledge Management the two most popular apps on the market were Roam Research…Aug 7, 20223Aug 7, 20223