Tansy BradshawThe Problem with Shane DawsonNote: I have never been a fan/subscriber of Shane Dawson; however, as someone who works with children who primarily are Shane Dawson’s…Jun 30, 2020Jun 30, 2020
Tansy BradshawMini-Ladd: Another YouTuber I Can No Longer WatchTrigger warning for: gaslighting, suicidal ideation, solicitation of images of a minor, and abuse.Sep 18, 20201Sep 18, 20201
Tansy BradshawUtility Programs That Are Worth InstallingSmall programs add big valueOct 6, 2020Oct 6, 2020
Tansy BradshawA Youtuber is doing a 24-Hr livestream watching MiniLadd’s videoTime of writing this 8am, Friday 16th Oct 2020 — AEST timeOct 15, 2020Oct 15, 2020
Tansy BradshawPete Evans is becoming a danger to AustraliaRight-Wing, Australian National Review, OANDec 18, 2020Dec 18, 2020