GitHub: I Finally Git It

Tansy Bradshaw
2 min readMay 1, 2022

GitHub has always been one of those places that I have looked at and wanted to be a part of. Throughout the years, I have had a basic understanding of code. I learned a bit about it in high school. However; when I went through my VCE (the final 2 years of education) I was faced with a decision. I could either do Information Technology or Information Systems. Once focused on the applications that run on the computer, the other focused on creating computer systems. I took the former. I do not regret it — I just wish that I could have had more coding in my reach.

I had a bit of programming and coding scattered throughout high school — but never a dedicated class.

In the early days of social media, back in 2008, I taught myself how to edit those premade profiles. I was able to grasp the basics of HTML that I was able to manage. It wasn’t till I got into Obsidian that I then understood and learnt Markdown.

Photo by Richy Great on Unsplash

I have watched people like Bryan Jenks for years, talking about his programming experience. I tried to set up my digital garden originally through GitHub, but got frustrated with it and instead paid for Obsidian Publish for a year.

As the pandemic has gone on, as with everyone, I am watching where my money goes. So, if there was an easier way to do it, I would. This is when I decided over the weekend that I would take another…



Tansy Bradshaw

Tansy is a neurodivergent writer living and working in Melbourne. Over her decade of writing they have written reviews, opinion pieces and feature articles.